8  Whitelabeling app

Concerns app that a participant will use to interact with a study.

8.1 Android

User interface (UI) of the Android app is an embedded web page (or WebView) coming from {serverUrl}/#/participant.

UI written in React.js (and thus displayed as embedded WebView in app).

Reading and processing of sensor data (GPS, pedometer, etc.) is handled by Kotlin code.


Adjustments to UI in Dashboard:

  • Logo on the Login page is customisable by replacing ./ou-lamp-dashboard/src/adaptable/Logo.svg with an SVG of your choice (max dimensions height=“109”).

  • App name (i.c. “mindLAMP”) on the Login page is customisable by replacing ./ou-lamp-dashboard/src/adaptable/CompanyName.svg with an SVG of your choice (max dimensions width=“213” height=“32”).

  • Colour combination in the app (four-colour bar) can be adjusted by editing ./ou-lamp-dashboard/src/adaptable/theme.json.

  • Texts can be modified by editing the relevant file (e.g. nl/translation.json) in ./ou-lamp-dashboard/public/locales.

SERVER_URL and DEFAULT_LANGUAGE can be configured in config.json in the project root.

Customisation Kotlin project link?

./LAMP-core-android/app/src/main/res/drawable contains the following XML files:

  • ic_app_icon.xml: equivalent of Logo.svg. (android:width="69dp"android:height="109dp")

  • ic_launcher.xml: shortcut icon. (android:width="96dp"android:height="96dp")

  • ic_launcher_round.xml: shortcut icon. (android:width="96dp"android:height="96dp")

  • ic_logo.xml: has to be the same file as ic_app_icon.xml.

  • ic_noti_icon.xml: shown in status bar when app receives notification. (android:width="96dp"android:height="96dp")